

Missing, Murdered, Mysterious (MMM) is an ongoing monthly segment where we highlight unsolved/cold cases of homicides, mysterious deaths, and missing people, with a focus on BIPOC in North America (BIPOC – Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour).
All episodes are available on the Dark Adaptation Podcast feed wherever you stream podcasts (Titled: “MMM Case #XX…”)
MMM Cover Art Ada E Brown jpg
MMM Case #1 - MURDERED - Ada Elaine Brown
MMM Cover Saniyya Dennis jpg
MMM Case #2 - MISSING - Saniyya Dennis
MMM Cover YG RH jpg
MMM Case #3 - MISSING - Yashika Gupta & Rahel Hassen
MMM Cover MO SA jpg
MMM Case #4 - MISSING - Maisy Odjick & Shannon Alexander
MMM Case #5 - MURDERED - Nadine Gurczenski
MMM Cover Rhonda Running Bird jpg
MMM Case #6 - MISSING - Rhonda Running Bird
MMM Cover Patricia Carpenter jpg
MMM Case #7 - MYSTERIOUS - Patricia Carpenter
MMM Cover Pepita Redhair jpg
MMM Case #8 - MISSING - Pepita Madalyn Redhair
MMM Cover Eddie Tillman jpg
MMM Case #9 - MISSING - Edmond "Eddie" Tillman
MMM Cover Jared Shadeed
MMM Case #10 - MISSING - Jared Shadeed
MMM Case #11 - Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Copy of Untitled Design
MMM Case #12 - JULY 2024
Source material is available in the episode description on your podcast player

Images related to each case are available on our Instagram account
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